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Home / Zoning Regulation / The Zoning Ordinance of 2020 / Foreword

Updated March 19, 2023

Discover the provisions of the municipal zoning ordinance of Rosario, Batangas through a series of informative blog posts. Learn about zoning classifications, land use regulations, and more.

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Batangas


Version 6.1 with PLUC Comments Adopted

Book cover: Republic of the Philippines MUNICIPALITY OF ROSARIO Province of Batangas COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE PLAN AND ZONING ORDINANCE: 2016-2030 VOLUME 2 - THE ZONING ORDINANCE Version 6.1 with PLUC Comments Adopted


This time, it is our distinct pleasure to convey our sincerest thanks to all the members of the Municipal Land Use Committee (MLUC), the different agencies who provided us the volumes of information, and the active guidance of the Department of Human Settlements and Urban Development or DHSUD (formerly HLURB) Technical Personnel. The DHSUD CALABARZON Group led by Ms. Lilia J. Lumbera is where the Municipality of Rosario should have been a member. She exerted much effort in giving full support to the LGU so that the CLUP/ZO could be finished the earliest possible time, even personally attending the workshops and field work done by the DHSUD people locally.

It was, however, the then DHSUD MIMAROPA Team ably led by the very competent Technical Planning Officer IV Elizabeth Castro-Bandojo and her group that the LGU Rosario became associated with through the various workshops of the 4-Module Technical Planning Assistance the DHSUD had provided. This counted a lot to make this project possible. In MODULE 1, the MLUC Writeshop Group crafted an enhanced municipal development vision and sectoral analysis matrix (Development Potentials/Constraints), while the Mapping Group produced the base map; then in MODULE 2, the Writeshop Group covered Development Potentials and Constraints, Development Thrust and Strategies and Structure Plan, while the Mapping Group delivered the Population Density Map and the Structure Plan; moving to MODULE 3, the Writeshop Group produced the land use plan and the corresponding policies, while the Mapping group submitted the proposed land use; and finally, in MODULE 4, the Writeshop Group focused on drafting the Zoning Ordinance while the Mapping Group concentrated on producing the Zoning Map.

The resources used by the Mapping Group to come up with a very accurate base map of the municipality included using licensed ArcGIS 10.1 and later updated to 10.7; georeferencing the Cadastral Maps of the Municipality Rosario, Batangas consisting of a total of 9 Cases divided into 190 sections and the Tax Maps current in 2015 from the Municipal Assessor’s Office comprised of 2,178 sections for all 48 barangays of the municipality, approved survey plans from the DENR Land Management Services; Garmin 62s Handheld GPS for ground truthing and field mapping; and many other resources, not to mention the capacity building undergone by the members of the MLUC.

We would like also to make mention the support extended to our group by the present administration of the Honorable Municipal Mayor MANUEL B. ALVAREZ, the Honorable Vice Mayor and Presiding Officer of the Sangguniang Bayan Leovigildo K. Morpe, and the Honorable Members of the Sangguniang Bayan, all of them being open in the comprehensive aspects of development considering such kind of formulation may directly affect political and other social issues in the community, as well as enacting the necessary legislation to effectively enforce this CLUP/ZO.

In many ways, this CLUP/ZO is far different from its predecessor. This is because innovations in various concepts and techniques were used in the current formulation. The examples included the use Ridge-to-Reef Approach or the Watershed Approach as the framework for planning, the integration of the Climate Change and Disaster Risk Assessment in sectoral planning, the extensive use of geographic information system in database management and mapping, the Cluster Approach to Modular Technical Planning Assistance by the DHSUD, updated CLUP Planning Manuals, among the more prominent ones. 

In terms of the general development thrust, we are for the first time employing the system of municipal districts delineated along the micro-watershed divide to organize the sprawling urbanization and rural development, the urban growth points, urban growth boundaries and urban growth centers as catalyst for a more dispersed economic growth.

Finally, the Municipal Ecological Profile and the Comprehensive Land Use Plan were guided by the basic principle of sustainable development and equitable governance as we labor to meet the requirements of the municipal vision, mission, and strategic objectives in the service of the PEOPLE OF ROSARIO.

Municipal Planning and Development Coordinator
Concurrent Zoning Administrator

Zoning Reviewer Comment

The article expresses gratitude to the Municipal Land Use Committee, different agencies, and the Department of Human Settlements and Urban Development for their support in creating the Comprehensive Land Use Plan and Zoning Ordinance for the Municipality of Rosario, Batangas. The article explains the innovative approaches used in the formulation, such as the Ridge-to-Reef and Watershed Approach, and the integration of Climate Change and Disaster Risk Assessment. The plan also includes the use of municipal districts and urban growth points for sustainable and equitable development. The article highlights the dedication of the LGU and its officials in meeting the municipal vision, mission, and strategic objectives in serving the people of Rosario.

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Home  /  Zoning Regulation  / The Zoning Ordinance of 2020 /  Foreword Updated March 19, 2023 Discover the provisions of the municipal zonin...