Saturday, March 11, 2023

From Ancient Times to Modern Practice: A Look at Zoning's Origins

Home / RegulationsZoning Origins

Updates: March 12, 2023


To begin, it is important to clarify that the following discussion will only serve as a concise overview of the origins of zoning, and not an exhaustive or comprehensive analysis. This is because numerous works have already been published on the topic, and we do not intend to repeat them here.

Furthermore, we will adopt the definition of zoning provided by the Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board or HLURB (now Department of Human Settlements and Urban Development or DHSUD) as a framework for organizing our overview. Zoning, as defined by the HLURB, pertains to the regulation of urban and land use planning. As such, the ancient history of urban planning can be viewed as a precursor to the modern concept of zoning.

Finally, we will limit our focus to the context of zoning in the Philippines.

With these parameters established, we may now proceed with our discussion.

Definitions of Zoning

To guide us in this overview, we shall use the current definition of zoning to set our limits. In the case of the Philippines, the guidebook A Guide to Comprehensive CLUP GUIDEBOOK Land Use Plan Preparation 2014 Volume 3 Model Zoning Ordinance published by the Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board (HLURB, now the Department of Human Settlements and Urban Development or DHSUD), defines zoning this way: 

Zoning is the division of a community into districts (e.g. commercial, residential, industrial, institutional, etc.) in order to maximize, regulate and direct their use and development according to the CLUP. It takes the form of a locally enacted ordinance which embodies, among others, regulations on the allowed uses in each zone or district including district regulations and implementing schemes.

Other definitions of zoning include:

Merriam-Webster Dictionary:

the act or process of partitioning a city, town, or borough into zones reserved for different purposes (such as residence or business)

also : the set of ordinances by which such zones are established and regulated

Cambridge Dictionary:

the act of deciding, or the decision that has been taken about, what particular use an area should have

Department of Environment and Natural Resources - Foreign-Assisted and Special Projects Service (DENR-FASPS)

the demarcation of a planning area by designation, ordinance or law into zones and establishment of regulations to govern the use of land and structure within each zone.

the legislative method of controlling land use by regulating such considerations as the type of buildings (e.g., commercial or residential) that may be erected and the population density. Applied primarily to urban areas, it is accomplished by dividing land area into zoning districts, each having specific conditions under which land and buildings may be legally developed and used. In combination with other city-planning techniques, zoning is a major instrument for gaining greater physical order in cities.

History of Urban Planning

The (Brief) History of Urban Planning video presentation by Urban Planning Explained, a YouTube channel focused on the field of urban planning, as well as explore topics related to planning - is a good example of the many introductory materials to getting a quick view of the urban planning in ancient times. It began with Babylon-Mesopotamia, then mentioned Uruk, Roman Cities, Tenochtitlan, and proceeded to the 19th century industrial revolution, the London Cholera outbreak of the 1860s and the poor living conditions of the cities that led to the birth of zoning ordinances and codes.

However, it is important to note that these early forms of zoning were often based on informal agreements and social norms rather than formal regulations. It was not until the 19th and 20th centuries, with the rise of industrialization and urbanization, that formal zoning regulations began to emerge as a means of managing the growing complexities of urban life.

Formal Zoning Regulations

Thus, while the roots of zoning can be traced back to antiquity, it was not until relatively recently in human history that formal zoning regulations and processes were established as a means of managing urban development.

Thus, the history of zoning can be traced back to the early 20th century, when the rapid industrialization of urban areas created a need for more comprehensive land-use planning. At the time, cities were struggling with issues such as overcrowding, pollution, and inadequate infrastructure. In response, local governments began to implement zoning regulations as a means of controlling land use and promoting public health and safety.

The first zoning ordinance in the United States was passed in 1916 in New York City, and it was quickly followed by similar regulations in other cities across the country. These early zoning codes were often simple and straightforward, dividing land into a few broad categories such as residential, commercial, and industrial.

Urban Renewal Programs

Over time, zoning regulations became more complex and sophisticated, with a greater emphasis on the specific needs and characteristics of individual neighborhoods and communities. In the 1950s and 1960s, urban renewal programs aimed at revitalizing blighted areas led to the creation of more detailed and comprehensive zoning plans.

Zoning Controversy

However, zoning has not been without controversy. Critics argue that zoning can lead to exclusionary practices, as certain areas become designated for specific uses, and that it can stifle creativity and innovation in urban development. Additionally, some have argued that zoning has contributed to urban sprawl by separating different land uses and encouraging people to rely on automobiles for transportation.

Crucial Tool for Managing Land Use

Despite these criticisms, zoning remains a crucial tool for managing land use in urban areas. Today, zoning regulations are more comprehensive and sophisticated than ever before, with a greater focus on promoting sustainability, equity, and community engagement. As cities continue to evolve and grow, the role of zoning will likely continue to evolve as well, adapting to new challenges and opportunities in urban planning and development.

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