Saturday, March 18, 2023

Zone Classifications

 Home / Zoning Regulation / The Zoning Ordinance of 2020 / 

Art. IV - Zone Classifications

Sec. 5: Division into Zones or Sub-Zones

Sec. 6: Base Zones

Sec. 7: Overlay Zones

Updated March 19, 2023

Discover the provisions of the municipal zoning ordinance of Rosario, Batangas through a series of informative blog posts. Learn about zoning classifications, land use regulations, and more.

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Batangas


Version 6.1 with PLUC Comments Adopted

Book cover: Republic of the Philippines MUNICIPALITY OF ROSARIO Province of Batangas COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE PLAN AND ZONING ORDINANCE: 2016-2030 VOLUME 2 - THE ZONING ORDINANCE Version 6.1 with PLUC Comments Adopted

Article IV – Zone Classifications

Section 5.   Division into Zones or Sub-Zones

To effectively carry out the provisions of this Ordinance, the municipality is hereby divided into four (4) Municipal Districts derived from its subwatershed boundaries as follows:

01. The South East Municipal District (Rosario River Subwatershed);

02. The East Municipal District (Lawaye River Subwatershed);

03. The North East Municipal District (Malaquing Ilog River Subwatershed); and 

04. The West Municipal District (Calumpang River Subwatershed).

To further effectively carry out the provisions of this Ordinance, the municipality is hereby divided into the following zones as shown in the Official Zoning Maps:

Forest Zone

Forest Zone

Forest Zone

Agricultural Zone 

Agricultural Zone


Municipal Waters Zone  

Municipal Waters Zone

Mineral Land Zone 

Mineral Land Zone

Residential Zone 

Residential Zone


Commercial Zone 

Commercial Zone

Agro-Industrial Zone

Agri-Industrial Zone

Industrial Zone 

Industrial Zone

Institutional Zone 

Institutional Zone

Tourism Zone  

Tourism Zone

Cemetery /Memorial Park, Buffer/ Greenbelt and Utilities, Transportation and Services Zone

Functional Open Spaces

Utilities, Transportation and Services Zone  

Utilities Transportation Services Zones

Section 6.   Base Zones

The following are designated as Base Zones:

a) Forest Zone (FZ)

1) Protection Forest Sub-Zones

i. Forest Reserve Sub-Zone (FR-SZ)

ii. NIPAS: Strict Protection Sub-Zone (NSP-SZ)

2) Production Forest Sub-Zones

b) Agricultural Zone (AGZ)

1) Protection Agricultural Sub-Zone (PTA-SZ)

2) Production Agricultural Sub-Zone (PDA-SZ)

c) Agri-industrial Zone (AgIndZ)

d) Municipal Waters Zone (WZ)

e) Residential-1 Zone (R1-Z)

f) Residential-2 Zone (R2-Z)

1) Basic R-2 Sub-Zone (BR2-SZ)

2) Maximum R-2 Sub-Zone (MR2-SZ)

g) Commercial-1 Zone (C1-Z)

h) Commercial-2 Zone (C2-Z)

i) Industrial-1 Zone (I1-Z)

j) Industrial-2 Zone (I2-Z)

k) Industrial-3 Zone (I3-Z)

l) General Institutional Zone (GI-Z)

m) Parks and Recreation Zone (PR-Z)

n) Cemetery/Memorial Park Zone (C/MP-Z)

o) Buffer/Greenbelt Zone (B/G-Z)

p) Utilities, Transportation, and Services Zone (UTS-SZ)

q) Tourism Zone (T-Z)

Section 7.   Overlay Zones

The following are designated as Overlay Zones:

a) Landslide Overlay Zone (LSD-OZ)

b) Flood Overlay Zone (FLD-OZ)

c) Scenic Corridor Overlay Zone (SCD-OZ)

d) Active Fault Overlay Zone (FLT-OZ)

e) Heritage Overlay Zone (HTG-OZ)

f) Ecotourism Overlay Zone (ETM-OZ)

g) Urban Corridor Overlay Zone (UCD-OZ)

h) Transit-Oriented Development Overlay Zone (TOD-OZ)

i) Billboards Overlay Zone (BB-OZ)

j) Key Biodiversity Area Overlay Zone (KBA-OZ)

k) Critical Habitat Overlay Zone (CH-OZ)


This section of the Zoning Ordinance lays out the different zones and sub-zones in the municipality, which are divided into four municipal districts derived from subwatershed boundaries. The different base zones include Forest, Agricultural, Municipal Waters, Residential, Commercial, Agro-Industrial, Institutional, Tourism, Cemetery/Memorial Park, Buffer/Greenbelt, and Utilities, Transportation, and Services Zones. Overlay zones are also designated, such as Landslide, Flood, Scenic Corridor, Active Fault, Heritage, Ecotourism, Urban Corridor, Transit-Oriented Development, Billboards, Key Biodiversity Area, and Critical Habitat Overlay Zones. These zones and sub-zones serve to effectively carry out the provisions of the Zoning Ordinance.


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