Saturday, March 18, 2023

Zoning Maps

Home / Zoning Regulation / The Zoning Ordinance of 2020 / 

Art. IV - Zone Classifications

Sec. 8: Zoning Maps

Updated March 19, 2023

Discover the provisions of the municipal zoning ordinance of Rosario, Batangas through a series of informative blog posts. Learn about zoning classifications, land use regulations, and more.

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Batangas


Version 6.1 with PLUC Comments Adopted

Book cover: Republic of the Philippines MUNICIPALITY OF ROSARIO Province of Batangas COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE PLAN AND ZONING ORDINANCE: 2016-2030 VOLUME 2 - THE ZONING ORDINANCE Version 6.1 with PLUC Comments Adopted

Article IV – Zone Classifications

Section 8.   Zoning Maps

It is hereby adopted as an integral part of this Ordinance, the duly authenticated and Official Zoning Maps of the municipality showing location and boundaries of the Base Zones, Sub-zones and Overlay Zones herein established.

Figure 1. Municipal Zoning Map: 2016-2030, Rosario, Batangas

Figure 1. Municipal Zoning Map: 2016-2030, Rosario, Batangas 

Figure 2. Landslide Overlay Zone (LSD-OZ): Municipality Rosario, Batangas

Figure 2. Landslide Overlay Zone (LSD-OZ): Municipality of Rosario, Batangas 

Figure 3. Flood Overlay Zone (FLD-OZ): Municipality of Rosario, Batangas

Figure 3. Flood Overlay Zone (FLD-OZ): Municipality of Rosario, Batangas


Figure 4. Scenic Corridor Overlay Zone (SCD-OZ): Municipality of Rosario, Batangas

Figure 4. Scenic Corridor Overlay Zone (SCD-OZ): Municipality of Rosario, Batangas 

Figure 5. Fault Overlay Zone (FLT-OZ): Municipality of Rosario, Batangas

Figure 5. Fault Overlay Zone (FLT-OZ): Municipality of Rosario, Batangas 

Figure 6. Heritage Overlay Zone (HTG-OZ): Municipality of Rosario, Batangas

 Figure 6. Heritage Overlay Zone (HTG-OZ): Municipality of Rosario, Batangas 


Figure 7. Ecotourism Overlay Zone (ETM-OZ): Municipality of Rosario, Batangas

Figure 7. Ecotourism Overlay Zone (ETM-OZ): Municipality of Rosario, Batangas 


Figure 8. Urban Corridor Overlay Zone (UCD-OZ): Municipality of Rosario, Batangas

Figure 8. Urban Corridor Overlay Zone (UCD-OZ): Municipality of Rosario, Batangas 

Figure 9. Transit-Oriented Development Overlay Zone (TOD-OZ): Municipality of Rosario, Batangas

 Figure 9. Transit-Oriented Development Overlay Zone (TOD-OZ): Municipality of Rosario, Batangas 


Figure 10. Key Biodiversity Area Overlay Zone (KBA-OZ): Municipality of Rosario, Batangas

Figure 10. Key Biodiversity Area Overlay Zone (KBA-OZ): Municipality of Rosario, Batangas 


Figure 11. Mabato Lake Area, Barangay Mabato, Rosario, Batangas

Figure 11. Mabato Lake Area, Barangay Mabato, Rosario, Batangas

Figure 12. Critical Habitat Overlay Zone (CH-OZ): Municipality of Rosario, Batangas

Figure 12. Critical Habitat Overlay Zone (CH-OZ): Municipality of Rosario, Batangas 

Figure 13. Municipal Tax Map Index, Municipality of Rosario, Batangas: 2015

 Figure 13. Municipal Tax Map Index, Municipality of Rosario, Batangas: 2015


Section 8 of the zoning ordinance adopts the Official Zoning Maps of the municipality as an integral part of the ordinance. These maps show the boundaries and locations of the Base Zones, Sub-zones, and Overlay Zones that have been established by the ordinance. This provision is important as it provides clarity and consistency in the application of the zoning regulations in the municipality.

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