Saturday, March 18, 2023

General Zoning Principles

 Home / Zoning Regulation / The Zoning Ordinance of 2020 / 

Art. II - Authority and Purpose

Sec. 4: General Zoning Principles

Updated March 19, 2023

Discover the provisions of the municipal zoning ordinance of Rosario, Batangas through a series of informative blog posts. Learn about zoning classifications, land use regulations, and more.

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Batangas


Version 6.1 with PLUC Comments Adopted

Book cover: Republic of the Philippines MUNICIPALITY OF ROSARIO Province of Batangas COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE PLAN AND ZONING ORDINANCE: 2016-2030 VOLUME 2 - THE ZONING ORDINANCE Version 6.1 with PLUC Comments Adopted

Article II – Authority and Purpose

Section 4.   General Zoning Principles

These Zoning Regulations are based on the principles provided for in the approved Comprehensive Land Use Plan as per SB Resolution No. 574 dated December 07, 2020, as follows:

a) The Ordinance reflects the Municipality's vision to be "A God-loving, dynamic, self-reliant, and empowered community enjoying viable and livable human settlements with sufficient infrastructure governed by the principle of sustainable development with equity.”

b) The local government unit recognizes that any land use is a use by right but provides however that the exercise of such right shall be subject to the review standards of this Ordinance;

c) The Ordinance gives the free market the maximum opportunity to spur the Municipality's development within a framework of environmental integrity and social responsibility;

d) The Ordinance has been designed to encourage the evolution of high-quality developments rather than regulating against the worst type of projects;

e) The Ordinance has been crafted in a manner that is fully responsive to the ever- changing conditions that the Municipality continually face;

f) The Ordinance functions as a tool for informed decision-making on the part of land use administrators by way of providing specific criteria to judge the acceptability of developments;

g) The Ordinance provides a direct venue for community empowerment where the stakeholders become involved especially in critical development decisions; and

h) The regulations in the Zoning Ordinance are considered as land use management tools that are necessary to provide a clear guidance to land development in order to ensure the community's common good.


The provisions of the zoning ordinance outlined in Section 4 establish the general zoning principles upon which the regulations are based. The ordinance is aligned with the municipality's comprehensive land use plan and seeks to promote sustainable development while protecting the health, safety, and general welfare of its inhabitants. The principles prioritize informed decision-making, community empowerment, and responsible development while providing clear guidance for land use management. Overall, the zoning ordinance appears to be well-crafted and designed to foster the orderly and beneficial development of the municipality.

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